Produced with wellness in mind, we have created 4 new products with a proprietary blend of terpenes, as well as cannabinoids to fit your wellness needs. All 4 are available in 600mg and 1200mg potencies at or Fort Collins, CO location and on the online store.
REST is a full-spectrum, terpene infused, cannabinoid rich hemp oil. We have formulated REST with a combination of CBN and CBD for sleep. Combined with our special blend of terpenes, REST is one of our go to CBD products for sleep. Specifically designed to help put you into a more relaxed state. This product is best taken before bed to help promote a good night's sleep.
MOOD is a full-spectrum, terpene infused, cannabinoid rich hemp oil formulated with a combination of CBD, CBC, CBD-A, and terpenes that have been found to help balance your mood on those "off" days when you just can't quite find your center.
SOOTHE your aches and pains with this full-spectrum, terpene infused, cannabinoid rich oil. Formulated with a special blend of terpenes and loaded with CBG, CBD-a, and CBD. Formulated to work with your body's natural cannabinoid system and promote wellness.
BLOOM is a well rounded blend of cannabinoids and terpenes including CBG, CBC, CBD-A, and CBD. BLOOM is a full-spectrum, terpene infused, cannabinoid rich oil formulated to help you BLOOM into your best self.
The statements made regarding CBD products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any new supplement or medication, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking other medications.